About Chaterix
Chaterix is an Artificial Intelligence service dedicated to improve the quality of leads in the real-estate market. With its bot and a back-end chat application, the service assists sales teams in their day-to-day work.
The challenge
We were tasked with the full service design, in an iterative process. The bot, mobile and desktop versions of the chat app, and the administration software to monitor, qualify, and handle conversations.
The Chaterix project
Chaterix is a suite of tools to improve the relationship between the real estate-agent and the client.

Dashboard for Chaterix admins to monitor their sales teams and understand how the communication with clients is performing.

Users can customize their chat window, install and upgrade it, and start monitoring chats in a matter of minutes.

The product page shows a demo, feature highlights and pricing.

While end users chat from a web widget, real-estate agents have a native app to quickly follow-up on requests.